The Name of this organization shall be the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association.
Section 1 — The Objects of this organization are to:
A. Cooperate in the formulation of the North Carolina Plumbing Code standards.
B. Promote uniform understanding and application of the State Plumbing Code.
C. Secure and promote uniform administrative ordinances and inspection methods.
D. Promote closer cooperation between inspectors, inspection departments, health departments, plumbing contractors and the public.
E. Promote and improve the standard of the profession of plumbing inspectors.
Section 1 — Active membership shall be restricted to municipalities or other political subdivisions which shall be represented by public officials actively engaged in plumbing inspections or inspectors of governmental departments which administer, enforce or formulate laws, ordinances, rules or regulations relating to plumbing installation.
Section 2 — Associate membership shall consist of those persons interested in the inspection of plumbing, plumbing materials, manufacture of plumbing equipment, or any organizations or firms who are interested in the activities described for active members and who desire to assist in promoting this organization for the purpose of protecting the public against faulty installation of plumbing.
Section 3---Honorary life membership may be awarded to plumbing inspectors who have retired or retired because of health reasons, and were active for at least five years in the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association. To receive this award, an inspector must have their name submitted to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the annual association meeting. The Board shall submit this name at the annual meeting and the active association members in attendance shall vote through secret paper ballot. The Board shall notify the recipient of this award after the annual association meeting and the recipient may receive this award at the next annual association meeting.
The Name of this organization shall be the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association.
Section 1 — The Objects of this organization are to:
A. Cooperate in the formulation of the North Carolina Plumbing Code standards.
B. Promote uniform understanding and application of the State Plumbing Code.
C. Secure and promote uniform administrative ordinances and inspection methods.
D. Promote closer cooperation between inspectors, inspection departments, health departments, plumbing contractors and the public.
E. Promote and improve the standard of the profession of plumbing inspectors.
Section 1 — Active membership shall be restricted to municipalities or other political subdivisions which shall be represented by public officials actively engaged in plumbing inspections or inspectors of governmental departments which administer, enforce or formulate laws, ordinances, rules or regulations relating to plumbing installation.
Section 2 — Associate membership shall consist of those persons interested in the inspection of plumbing, plumbing materials, manufacture of plumbing equipment, or any organizations or firms who are interested in the activities described for active members and who desire to assist in promoting this organization for the purpose of protecting the public against faulty installation of plumbing.
Section 3---Honorary life membership may be awarded to plumbing inspectors who have retired or retired because of health reasons, and were active for at least five years in the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association. To receive this award, an inspector must have their name submitted to the Board of Directors for approval prior to the annual association meeting. The Board shall submit this name at the annual meeting and the active association members in attendance shall vote through secret paper ballot. The Board shall notify the recipient of this award after the annual association meeting and the recipient may receive this award at the next annual association meeting.
Section 1 - The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President Elect, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association from the Active Members who at the time of their election are in good standing. Such newly elected officers shall hold office for one year beginning with the date of their election or until their successor is duly elected and qualified.
Section 2 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall appoint all chairmen and committees not specifically provided for herein. He/She shall perform all other and such usual duties as performed by the President of an Association.
Section 3 - The President Elect shall act and perform the duties of the President during the (presidents)absence or disability and shall assist the President in the conduct of his office.
Section 4 - The Secretary/Clerk-Treasurer (if the same person) shall keep the minutes and records of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Association in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws. A copy of the minutes shall be issued to all current board of director members within 30 days after any meeting has been held, and upon request to any active member in good standing of the association.
The secretary/clerk of the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association shall keep in a suitable book a record of all the actions of the association, except as otherwise herein provided. He/She shall keep a register of the names of the members, including honorary lifetime members with the dates of admission and dismissal or death, together with a record of certifications. There shall be a record keep of the past presidents and inspectors of the year. He/She shall also notify all officers, members of committees and delegates of their election or appointment. He/She shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the association, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and to give legal notice of all meetings where such notice is necessary, as indicated in these By—Laws. The secretary/clerk shall consider it a part of his/her responsibility to promote loyalty and efficiency in association life.
There shall be two treasurers, one treasurer and one assistant treasurer, who shall receive and disburse upon proper authority all received. The treasurer shall keep separate records of all receipts and disbursements. All monies received by the association shall be deposited in the bank no later than three working days after received, all disbursements shall be paid by check or debit card, and if by check it must be signed by the Treasurer or Assistant treasurer. There shall be a current financial statement presented to the board of directors at all scheduled meetings, in addition a copy shall be available to any active member in good standing at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Plumbing Association.
Section 1 - The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President Elect, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer who shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Association from the Active Members who at the time of their election are in good standing. Such newly elected officers shall hold office for one year beginning with the date of their election or until their successor is duly elected and qualified.
Section 2 - The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association and shall appoint all chairmen and committees not specifically provided for herein. He/She shall perform all other and such usual duties as performed by the President of an Association.
Section 3 - The President Elect shall act and perform the duties of the President during the (presidents)absence or disability and shall assist the President in the conduct of his office.
Section 4 - The Secretary/Clerk-Treasurer (if the same person) shall keep the minutes and records of all meetings and conduct the correspondence of the Association in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws. A copy of the minutes shall be issued to all current board of director members within 30 days after any meeting has been held, and upon request to any active member in good standing of the association.
The secretary/clerk of the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association shall keep in a suitable book a record of all the actions of the association, except as otherwise herein provided. He/She shall keep a register of the names of the members, including honorary lifetime members with the dates of admission and dismissal or death, together with a record of certifications. There shall be a record keep of the past presidents and inspectors of the year. He/She shall also notify all officers, members of committees and delegates of their election or appointment. He/She shall issue letters of dismissal voted by the association, preserve on file all communications and written official reports, and to give legal notice of all meetings where such notice is necessary, as indicated in these By—Laws. The secretary/clerk shall consider it a part of his/her responsibility to promote loyalty and efficiency in association life.
There shall be two treasurers, one treasurer and one assistant treasurer, who shall receive and disburse upon proper authority all received. The treasurer shall keep separate records of all receipts and disbursements. All monies received by the association shall be deposited in the bank no later than three working days after received, all disbursements shall be paid by check or debit card, and if by check it must be signed by the Treasurer or Assistant treasurer. There shall be a current financial statement presented to the board of directors at all scheduled meetings, in addition a copy shall be available to any active member in good standing at the annual meeting of the North Carolina Plumbing Association.
Section 5 — There shall be a committee of three appointed to represent the Association at the Council of Code Officials (COCO) meetings. The terms of the original committee shall be one member for three years, one member of two years and one member of one year. No member shall serve more than two consecutive full terms unless otherwise approved by the board of directors. Thereafter, members shall be appointed for a term of three years. The President shall designated the Chairman of this Committee.
Section 1 - Four active members shall be elected as members of the board of directors by the active membership; one member from Western North Carolina, (west of Hickory) one from Eastern North Carolina (east of Raleigh); and two from the Piedmont of North Carolina. The terms shall be 1 year, two year, three year, and four year, With the vacant four year term being filled at the annual meeting each year.
Section 2 - The duly elected officers shall serve as members of the Board of Directors.
(Board of Director members and Officers in good standing may serve their entire term on the board even in retirement, or temporary unemployment while having been elected serving as an active member, provided they are duly elected at the annual meeting by the general voting body present and voting.)
Section 3 - The policies, business and property and management of the Association shall be under the authority of the Board of Directors.
A. Education: The board of directors shall be the authority for establishing all continuing education class sponsored by the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association. This includes the number of classes, locations, dates, fees, and certified approved instructor’s to conduct these classes. It will be the boards choice to provide this service to only department of insurance certified inspectors, or also to properly licensed North Carolina plumbing and fuel gas contractors.
B. Collections for these classes will go into the general operating fund, after approved expenses have been deducted. (rental for space-refreshments-mileage reinvestment’s- printed hand out material’s- completion certificates- evaluation forms-ect.)
Section 4 - A quorum shall consist of five members. Action taken by less than five members present shall be confirmed by letter or e-mail ballot.
Section 5 - The Board of Directors may appoint a member of the association to fill a vacancy of any office for the duration of that term vacated.
Section 1 - Four active members shall be elected as members of the board of directors by the active membership; one member from Western North Carolina, (west of Hickory) one from Eastern North Carolina (east of Raleigh); and two from the Piedmont of North Carolina. The terms shall be 1 year, two year, three year, and four year, With the vacant four year term being filled at the annual meeting each year.
Section 2 - The duly elected officers shall serve as members of the Board of Directors.
(Board of Director members and Officers in good standing may serve their entire term on the board even in retirement, or temporary unemployment while having been elected serving as an active member, provided they are duly elected at the annual meeting by the general voting body present and voting.)
Section 3 - The policies, business and property and management of the Association shall be under the authority of the Board of Directors.
A. Education: The board of directors shall be the authority for establishing all continuing education class sponsored by the North Carolina Plumbing Inspectors Association. This includes the number of classes, locations, dates, fees, and certified approved instructor’s to conduct these classes. It will be the boards choice to provide this service to only department of insurance certified inspectors, or also to properly licensed North Carolina plumbing and fuel gas contractors.
B. Collections for these classes will go into the general operating fund, after approved expenses have been deducted. (rental for space-refreshments-mileage reinvestment’s- printed hand out material’s- completion certificates- evaluation forms-ect.)
Section 4 - A quorum shall consist of five members. Action taken by less than five members present shall be confirmed by letter or e-mail ballot.
Section 5 - The Board of Directors may appoint a member of the association to fill a vacancy of any office for the duration of that term vacated.
Section 1 - The active members of the Association shall have the sole and exclusive right to vote. City and County governments shall be limited to one vote each. Associate members shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor for discussion at all meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote. Only active members in good standing may present motions from the floor.
Section 1 - An annual meeting shall be held each year. The location of the meeting may rotate from Eastern North Carolina (Raleigh and east) to Piedmont North Carolina to Western North Carolina (Hickory and west) as designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 - The Constitution and By-Laws may be changed and amended by two-thirds vote of the active members of the Association, present at the time of voting. Any proposed changes in Constitution and By-Laws shall be mailed or e-mailed to all active members not less than 10 days prior to the next annual meeting.
Section 1 -
A. The annual dues for active membership shall be $10.00 per year.
B. The annual dues for associate membership shall be $15.00 per year.
Section 2 -
Dues shall cover the calendar year January 1st to December 31st and shall be paid each year on or before the annual meeting.
Section 3 -
No person shall be in good standing that has not paid their dues.
Section 1 - Robert's Rules of Order shall be the Association’s final authority on all questions of procedures and parliamentary laws not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
Revised 12/27/2011 Reformatted 1/13/2013
Section 1 - The active members of the Association shall have the sole and exclusive right to vote. City and County governments shall be limited to one vote each. Associate members shall be entitled to the privilege of the floor for discussion at all meetings of the Association but shall not have the right to vote. Only active members in good standing may present motions from the floor.
Section 1 - An annual meeting shall be held each year. The location of the meeting may rotate from Eastern North Carolina (Raleigh and east) to Piedmont North Carolina to Western North Carolina (Hickory and west) as designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 1 - The Constitution and By-Laws may be changed and amended by two-thirds vote of the active members of the Association, present at the time of voting. Any proposed changes in Constitution and By-Laws shall be mailed or e-mailed to all active members not less than 10 days prior to the next annual meeting.
Section 1 -
A. The annual dues for active membership shall be $10.00 per year.
B. The annual dues for associate membership shall be $15.00 per year.
Section 2 -
Dues shall cover the calendar year January 1st to December 31st and shall be paid each year on or before the annual meeting.
Section 3 -
No person shall be in good standing that has not paid their dues.
Section 1 - Robert's Rules of Order shall be the Association’s final authority on all questions of procedures and parliamentary laws not covered by the Constitution and By-Laws.
Revised 12/27/2011 Reformatted 1/13/2013